
Square Foot Garden

There is something quite satisfying and making something out of nothing. There is also something satisfying in working outside to make things beautiful. That is where I would put gardening and I think I have that love of plants and the outdoors because of my Dad. Growing up we would work outside from mowing the lawn to weeding the garden. I remember one time when I was quite young, my little brother and I had the job of taking all the rocks out of our garden. It wasn't pleasant but I do remember eating the fresh fruits and vegetables that came from our garden every year and loved that. 
Since the Smart One and I have been married we have tried to do some sort of garden each year. Some years have worked and some have failed miserably. The first summer we were married we planted zucchini where some bushes had died in front of our apartment, that was awesome.We were able to move our fence this spring and get about 5-6 more feet in our yard, perfect for a square foot garden. I read this book and tried to do many of the things the author suggested. I checked it out from the library but I think it will soon be part of our library. The Smart One did a lot of work to build the box and work with my vision. It was more work than we anticipated which means the next time we need a box he might just buy a kit. ;) Here is the result:

I planted pumpkins, straight neck summer squash, tomatoes, red and green peppers, eggplant, strawberries, marigolds, corn, cucumbers, and lavender. Several of these I started earlier in little planters and planted everything this morning. I got a lot of help from the Silly One in planting and digging holes. The Small One helped by taking a good nap. So this turned into a family garden in which everyone did something to help. Hopefully we'll have a plentiful garden picture to post later this summer. 


Dare to Stand Alone

Right is right no matter who is or isn't looking. I love this!


Count Your Blessings

Today I had a very real moment where I was able to reflect and realize how blessed I truly am. I think everyone has those moments where you get a little down or think "My life would be better if . . ." I honestly come home tonight and wanted cry because of how wonderfully blessed I am. My boys were already in bed and asleep. I went upstairs to check on them and kiss them "good night." I would have picked them up and hugged or rocked them. There are so many people struggling with a variety of problems and issues and as much as I wish I could change or take problems from people to help them I can't. But I am grateful for what I have. 
Our picnic at the gardens last week. 
I have a husband who loves me and my children. I have been blessed to be a mother and trusted with these two wonderful boys who make me smile and laugh everyday. We try to create a stable happy home for our family and times when I think it is far from perfect today I was grateful for where we are. I know, nothing earth shattering or new mind blowing. It is simple and that is my life. 
"Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings see what God has done."  
What will you find, what has God done in your life?